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Train Your Way

Between now and November 3, we want to help you get in the best shape you can be to tackle the Chicago's Willis Tower, in person or virtually. We have provided monthly training schedules, training exercises and helpful training tips so you can be sure to get those legs strong enough to climb in support of Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. 

Training Calendars & Resources

September Training Calendar 
October Training Calendar
Cross-Training Exercises
Climber Tips
Handcycle Tips 

Activity Tracker

If you are participating virtually this year, the Activity Tracking feature allows you to easily keep track of your activity to move you closer to reaching the top of Chicago’s Willis Tower. You’ll be able to log activityedit your personal and/or team activity goal, and view your current streak or longest streak, which will help motivate you and your team to keep being active towards your goal.

When viewing your personal or team fundraising page, friends and family will see how much activity you've completed, such as how many steps or miles you've already accomplished.

Download detailed instructions.